Export and Load Data from MySQL to Snowflake using Sling

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Moving data from MySQL to Snowflake traditionally involves complex ETL processes, multiple tools, and significant development effort. This article demonstrates how Sling simplifies this process with its powerful data replication capabilities.

Traditional Data Pipeline Challenges

When building a data pipeline from MySQL to Snowflake, organizations typically face several challenges:

  • Complex ETL processes requiring custom code development
  • Managing data type mappings between different systems
  • Handling incremental updates efficiently
  • Ensuring data consistency and reliability
  • Monitoring and maintaining the pipeline
  • Managing credentials and security

Installing Sling

Getting started with Sling is straightforward. You can install it using various package managers depending on your operating system. Here are the installation methods:

# Install using Homebrew (macOS)
brew install slingdata-io/sling/sling

# Install using curl (Linux)
curl -LO 'https://github.com/slingdata-io/sling-cli/releases/latest/download/sling_linux_amd64.tar.gz' \
  && tar xf sling_linux_amd64.tar.gz \
  && rm -f sling_linux_amd64.tar.gz \
  && chmod +x sling

# Install using Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sling https://github.com/slingdata-io/scoop-sling.git
scoop install sling

# Install using Python pip
pip install sling

After installation, verify that Sling is properly installed by checking its version:

# Check Sling version
sling --version

For more detailed installation instructions, visit the Sling documentation.

Setting Up Connections

Before we can start replicating data, we need to set up connections to both our MySQL source database and Snowflake target warehouse. Sling provides multiple ways to configure these connections, including environment variables, the sling conns command, and a YAML configuration file.

MySQL Connection Setup

For MySQL, we need to ensure our database user has the appropriate permissions to read the data we want to replicate. Here’s how to create a user with the necessary permissions:

-- Create a new user for Sling
CREATE USER 'sling'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';

-- Grant read permissions for the source data
GRANT SELECT ON <source_schema>.* TO 'sling'@'%';

Now we can set up the MySQL connection in Sling. Here are three different methods:

  1. Using the sling conns command:
# Set up MySQL connection using command line
sling conns set MYSQL type=mysql host=<host> user=<user> database=<database> password=<password> port=3306
  1. Using environment variables:
# Set up MySQL connection using environment variables
export MYSQL='mysql://myuser:[email protected]:3306/mydatabase?tls=skip-verify'
  1. Using the Sling environment YAML file (~/.sling/env.yaml):
    type: mysql
    host: <host>
    user: <user>
    password: <password>
    database: <database>
    port: 3306

Snowflake Connection Setup

For Snowflake, we’ll need to configure both authentication and warehouse details. Here’s how to set up the connection:

  1. Using the sling conns command:
# Set up Snowflake connection using command line
sling conns set SNOWFLAKE type=snowflake account=<account> user=<user> database=<database> password=<password> warehouse=<warehouse> role=<role>
  1. Using environment variables:
# Set up Snowflake connection using environment variables
export SNOWFLAKE='snowflake://myuser:[email protected]/mydatabase?warehouse=compute_wh&role=sling_role'
  1. Using the Sling environment YAML file (~/.sling/env.yaml):
    type: snowflake
    account: <account>
    user: <user>
    password: <password>
    database: <database>
    warehouse: compute_wh
    role: sling_role

After setting up the connections, you can verify them using the test command:

# Test MySQL connection
sling conns test MYSQL

# Test Snowflake connection
sling conns test SNOWFLAKE

You can also discover available tables and views in your connections:

# List available tables in MySQL
sling conns discover MYSQL

# List available tables in Snowflake
sling conns discover SNOWFLAKE

For more details about connection configuration, visit the Sling environment documentation.

Data Replication with Sling CLI

Sling provides two main approaches for data replication: using CLI flags for quick operations and using YAML configuration files for more complex scenarios.

Basic Data Replication

The simplest way to replicate data is using CLI flags. Here’s a basic example that copies a single table from MySQL to Snowflake:

# Replicate a single table from MySQL to Snowflake
sling run --src-conn MYSQL --src-stream customers \
  --tgt-conn SNOWFLAKE --tgt-object raw_data.customers

For more control over the replication process, you can add options:

# Replicate with additional options
sling run --src-conn MYSQL --src-stream orders \
  --tgt-conn SNOWFLAKE --tgt-object raw_data.orders \
  --select 'order_id,customer_id,order_date,total_amount' \
  --tgt-options '{ "column_casing": "snake", "table_keys": { "primary": ["order_id"] } }'

Advanced Replication Configuration

For more complex replication scenarios, it’s recommended to use YAML configuration files. Here are two examples:

  1. Basic YAML configuration with multiple tables:
# mysql_to_snowflake_basic.yaml
source: MYSQL

  mode: full-refresh
    column_casing: snake
    add_new_columns: true

    object: raw_data.customers
    primary_key: [customer_id]
    object: raw_data.orders
    primary_key: [order_id]
    select: [order_id, customer_id, order_date, total_amount, status]
  1. Advanced YAML configuration with incremental updates and transformations:
# mysql_to_snowflake_advanced.yaml
source: MYSQL

    column_casing: snake
    add_new_columns: true

    object: raw_data.customers
    mode: incremental
    primary_key: [customer_id]
    update_key: last_modified
      email: lower
      full_name: trim
    object: raw_data.orders
    mode: incremental
    primary_key: [order_id]
    update_key: created_at
    sql: |
      from orders
      where {incremental_where_cond}
        primary: [order_id]

    object: raw_data.order_items
    mode: incremental
    primary_key: [order_id, item_id]
    update_key: modified_at
        unique: [order_id, item_id]

To run a replication using a YAML configuration:

# Run replication using YAML config
sling run -r mysql_to_snowflake_basic.yaml

# Run replication with specific stream
sling run -r mysql_to_snowflake_advanced.yaml --streams 'order_items'

For more information about replication options and configurations, refer to:

Using Sling Platform

While the CLI is powerful for local development and simple replication tasks, the Sling Platform provides a comprehensive web interface for managing and monitoring your data replications at scale. Here’s how to use the platform for MySQL to Snowflake replication:

Connection Management

The platform provides a centralized place to manage all your connections securely. You can easily add, test, and manage MySQL and Snowflake connections through the intuitive interface.

Sling Platform Connections

Replication Editor

The platform includes a visual editor for creating and modifying replication configurations. This makes it easy to:

  • Define source and target connections
  • Configure replication modes and options
  • Set up transformations and column mappings
  • Define primary keys and incremental update keys

Sling Platform Editor

Execution Monitoring

Once your replication is running, you can monitor its progress, view detailed logs, and track performance metrics through the execution view.

Sling Platform Execution

Key platform features include:

  • Scheduled replications with flexible timing options
  • Real-time monitoring and alerting
  • Detailed execution history and logs
  • Team collaboration and access control
  • Agent-based architecture for secure data access

For more information about the Sling Platform, visit the platform documentation.


Sling significantly simplifies the process of moving data from MySQL to Snowflake by providing:

  • Easy-to-use CLI and platform interfaces
  • Flexible configuration options
  • Built-in data type handling
  • Automatic schema management
  • Efficient incremental updates
  • Comprehensive monitoring and logging

Whether you’re doing a one-time migration or setting up continuous replication, Sling’s features and intuitive design make it an excellent choice for your data movement needs.

For more examples and detailed documentation, visit: