Export MariaDB Data to Local Files with Sling

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Cover for Export MariaDB Data to Local Files with Sling


Moving data from MariaDB databases to local files has traditionally been a complex task requiring custom scripts, multiple tools, and careful handling of data types and formats. This process often involves writing and maintaining complex ETL scripts, dealing with data type conversions, and managing different output formats. Let’s explore how Sling simplifies this entire process with its modern approach to data movement.

The Challenge of MariaDB Data Export

Traditional approaches to exporting data from MariaDB to local files often involve:

  • Writing custom scripts using programming languages and multiple libraries
  • Managing database connections and credentials
  • Handling different file formats (CSV, Parquet, JSON)
  • Implementing error handling and retries
  • Setting up monitoring and logging
  • Dealing with schema changes and data type mappings
  • Managing incremental updates

According to various online discussions and Stack Overflow posts, developers frequently struggle with these challenges, leading to brittle solutions that require constant maintenance.

Getting Started with Sling

Before we dive into exporting data from MariaDB to local files, let’s set up Sling on your system. Sling offers multiple installation methods to suit different operating systems and preferences.


Choose the installation method that matches your operating system:

# Install using Homebrew (macOS)
brew install slingdata-io/sling/sling

# Install using curl (Linux)
curl -LO 'https://github.com/slingdata-io/sling-cli/releases/latest/download/sling_linux_amd64.tar.gz' \
  && tar xf sling_linux_amd64.tar.gz \
  && rm -f sling_linux_amd64.tar.gz \
  && chmod +x sling

# Install using Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sling https://github.com/slingdata-io/scoop-sling.git
scoop install sling

# Install using Python pip
pip install sling

After installation, verify that Sling is properly installed by checking its version:

# Check Sling version
sling --version

For more detailed installation instructions, visit the Sling CLI Getting Started Guide.

Setting Up Connections

Before we can start transferring data, we need to configure our source (MariaDB) and target (local storage) connections. Sling provides multiple ways to manage connections securely.

MariaDB Connection Setup

For MariaDB, we need to ensure our database user has the appropriate permissions to read the data we want to export. Here’s how to create a user with the necessary permissions:

-- Create a new user for Sling
CREATE USER 'sling'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';

-- Grant read permissions for the source data
GRANT SELECT ON <source_schema>.* TO 'sling'@'%';

Now we can set up the MariaDB connection in Sling using any of these methods:

Using sling conns set Command

# Set up MariaDB connection using command line
sling conns set mariadb_source type=mariadb host=<host> user=<user> database=<database> password=<password> port=3306

Using Environment Variables

# Set up MariaDB connection using environment variables
export MARIADB_SOURCE='mariadb://myuser:mypass@host:3306/mydatabase?tls=skip-verify'

Using Sling Environment File

Add to your ~/.sling/env.yaml:

    type: mariadb
    host: localhost
    database: mydatabase
    user: myuser
    password: mypassword
    port: 3306

Local Storage Connection

For local storage (CSV, JSON, or Parquet files), Sling automatically configures a default connection named LOCAL. You don’t need any additional configuration for accessing local files.

Understanding Local Storage in Sling

When working with local files in Sling:

  • Use the file:// prefix to specify file paths
  • Paths can be relative or absolute
  • Format-specific options can be configured in the replication settings
  • File permissions are based on the user running Sling

Testing Connections

After setting up your connections, verify them using Sling’s connection management commands:

# List all configured connections
sling conns list

# Test MariaDB connection
sling conns test mariadb_source

# Test local connection
sling conns test local

# List available tables in MariaDB
sling conns discover mariadb_source

For more details about connection configuration and options, refer to:

Basic Data Export with CLI Flags

The quickest way to start exporting data from MariaDB to local files is using Sling’s CLI flags. This method is perfect for simple transfers and testing your setup.

Simple Export Examples

Here’s how to export a MariaDB table to different file formats:

# Export to CSV
sling run \
  --src-conn mariadb_source \
  --src-stream "users" \
  --tgt-object "file://exports/users.csv"

# Export to JSON
sling run \
  --src-conn mariadb_source \
  --src-stream "users" \
  --tgt-object "file://exports/users.json"

# Export to Parquet
sling run \
  --src-conn mariadb_source \
  --src-stream "users" \
  --tgt-object "file://exports/users.parquet"

These commands will:

  1. Connect to your MariaDB database
  2. Read all data from the “users” table
  3. Create the exports directory if it doesn’t exist
  4. Save the data in the specified format

Using Custom SQL Queries

For more control over the exported data, you can use custom SQL queries with format-specific options:

# Export to CSV with custom options
sling run \
  --src-conn mariadb_source \
  --src-stream "SELECT id, name, email, created_at FROM users WHERE status = 'active'" \
  --tgt-object "file://exports/active_users.csv" \
  --tgt-options '{ "delimiter": "|", "header": true }'

# Export to JSON with custom options and filtering
sling run \
  --src-conn mariadb_source \
  --src-stream "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE created_at > DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 7 DAY)" \
  --tgt-object "file://exports/recent_orders.json" \
  --tgt-options '{ "datetime_format": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss" }'

# Export to Parquet with advanced options
sling run \
  --src-conn mariadb_source \
  --src-stream "SELECT o.*, c.name as customer_name FROM orders o JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.id" \
  --tgt-object "file://exports/orders_with_customers.parquet" \
  --tgt-options '{ "compression": "snappy" }'

Advanced CLI Options

For more complex scenarios, you can use additional flags to customize the export:

# Advanced CSV export with incremental updates
sling run \
  --src-conn mariadb_source \
  --src-stream "orders" \
  --tgt-object "file://exports/orders_{run_timestamp}.csv" \
  --select "id,customer_id,total_amount,status,created_at" \
  --tgt-options '{ "file_max_bytes": 104857600, "column_casing": "snake", "delimiter": "|" }'

For more details about CLI flags and options, refer to the Sling CLI Flags documentation.

Advanced Data Export with YAML Configuration

While CLI flags are great for simple exports, YAML configuration files provide more flexibility and reusability for complex data export scenarios. Let’s explore how to use YAML configurations with Sling.

Basic Multi-Stream Example

Create a file named mariadb_to_local.yaml with the following content:

# Basic configuration for exporting multiple tables
source: mariadb_source
target: local

  mode: full-refresh
    datetime_format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss

  # Export users table to CSV
    object: file://exports/users.csv
    select: [id, username, email, created_at]
      delimiter: "|"
      header: true
  # Export orders table to JSON
    object: file://exports/orders.json
    select: [order_id, user_id, total_amount, status, order_date]
      datetime_format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss

Run the export using:

# Execute the replication configuration
sling run -r mariadb_to_local.yaml

Complex Multi-Stream Example

Here’s a more advanced configuration that demonstrates various Sling features:

# Advanced configuration with transformations and options
source: mariadb_source
target: local

  mode: full-refresh
    datetime_format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
    file_max_bytes: 100000000

  # Customer data with transformations
    object: file://exports/customers.csv
      header: true
      delimiter: "|"
      column_casing: snake

  # Orders with custom SQL and filtering
    sql: |
        c.name as customer_name,
        p.name as product_name,
      FROM orders o 
      JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.id 
      JOIN products p ON o.product_id = p.id 
      WHERE o.status != 'cancelled'
    object: file://exports/orders_detailed.parquet
      compression: snappy
      row_group_size: 100000

  # Multiple tables matching a pattern with runtime variables
    object: file://exports/sales/{stream_table}_{run_timestamp}.json
      format: jsonlines
      datetime_format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss

This configuration demonstrates:

  • Custom SQL queries with joins
  • Pattern matching for multiple tables
  • File size limits and data chunking
  • Column type specifications
  • Runtime variables usage
  • Format-specific options

For more details about replication configuration options, refer to:

Understanding File Format Benefits

When exporting data from MariaDB, Sling supports three popular file formats: CSV, JSON, and Parquet. Each format has its own advantages and ideal use cases. Let’s explore when to use each format:

CSV (Comma-Separated Values)

CSV is a simple, text-based format that’s widely supported and human-readable.


  • Universal compatibility with most tools and systems
  • Easy to read and edit manually
  • Minimal storage overhead
  • Streaming-friendly for large datasets
  • Excellent for data exchange with legacy systems

Best for:

  • Simple, tabular data
  • Legacy system integration
  • Quick data analysis in spreadsheet software
  • When human readability is important

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

JSON is a flexible, text-based format that excels at representing hierarchical data structures.


  • Native support for nested data structures
  • Self-describing format
  • Wide support in programming languages
  • Great for API integrations
  • Preserves data types better than CSV

Best for:

  • Complex, nested data structures
  • API response storage
  • Web application data
  • When data structure flexibility is needed

Parquet (Apache Parquet)

Parquet is a columnar storage format designed for efficient data processing and analytics.


  • Highly efficient compression
  • Optimized for analytical queries
  • Schema evolution support
  • Excellent for big data processing
  • Better performance in data warehouses

Best for:

  • Large-scale data analytics
  • Data warehouse ingestion
  • When storage efficiency is crucial
  • Complex analytical workloads

Format Selection Guide

Here’s a quick guide to help you choose the right format:

  1. Choose CSV when:

    • You need universal compatibility
    • The data is simple and tabular
    • You want human-readable files
    • You’re working with legacy systems
  2. Choose JSON when:

    • You have nested or complex data structures
    • You need flexible schema support
    • You’re working with web applications
    • You want to preserve data types accurately
  3. Choose Parquet when:

    • You’re dealing with large datasets
    • You need efficient storage and compression
    • You’re feeding data into analytics platforms
    • Performance is a critical factor

Sling makes it easy to export to any of these formats, and you can even export the same data to multiple formats simultaneously using different streams in your replication configuration.

The Sling Platform

While the CLI is powerful for individual tasks and automation, the Sling Platform provides a comprehensive web-based interface for managing your data operations at scale. Let’s explore how the platform can enhance your MariaDB to local file exports.

Platform Components

The Sling Platform consists of several integrated components:

Control Server

  • Centralized management of connections and configurations
  • Secure credential storage and management
  • Job scheduling and monitoring
  • Team collaboration features

Sling Agents

  • Distributed execution of data operations
  • Secure access to data sources
  • Scalable deployment options
  • Support for both development and production environments

Web Interface

  • Visual configuration of data pipelines
  • Real-time monitoring and logging
  • Team management and access control
  • Interactive schema exploration

Getting Started with the Platform

To start using the Sling Platform:

  1. Sign up at Sling Platform
  2. Create your first project
  3. Configure your connections
  4. Deploy Sling agents in your infrastructure
  5. Start creating and managing data pipelines

Platform Features

The platform offers several advantages over the CLI:

  • Visual Pipeline Builder: Create and modify data pipelines through an intuitive interface
  • Centralized Management: Manage all your connections and configurations in one place
  • Team Collaboration: Share configurations and access across team members
  • Monitoring and Alerts: Track job status and receive notifications
  • Version Control: Track changes to your configurations
  • Audit Logging: Monitor who accessed what and when

For more information about the Sling Platform and its features, visit:

Next Steps and Resources

Now that you understand how to use Sling for exporting MariaDB data to local files, here are some resources to help you go further:


  1. Core Documentation

  2. Connection Guides

  3. Configuration References

Example Repositories

Find more examples in our documentation:

Getting Help

If you need assistance or want to engage with the Sling community:

  1. Community Support

    • Join our Discord Community
    • Follow us on social media for updates
    • Participate in community discussions
  2. Enterprise Support

    • Contact [email protected]
    • Schedule a demo of the Sling Platform
    • Get help with custom configurations

Next Steps

To continue your journey with Sling:

  1. Start Small

    • Begin with simple table exports
    • Test different file formats
    • Experiment with various options
  2. Scale Up

    • Move to YAML configurations
    • Implement automated workflows
    • Set up monitoring and alerts
  3. Explore the Platform

    • Try the visual pipeline builder
    • Set up team collaboration
    • Implement enterprise features

Remember that Sling is continuously evolving, with new features and improvements being added regularly. Stay updated with the latest developments by following our documentation and joining our community.